What We Believe


We believe in God…


We believe in Jesus Christ…


We believe in the Holy Spirit…


We believe the Bible is God’s Word…


We believe when we accept Christ, that we are “saved by grace.”


We believe that Christians should put their faith in action.


But, we do not all believe everything alike!


With faith in God and Jesus Christ, the guidance of God’s active Spirit, and the Bible, we trust each person to discover the personal dimensions of a meaningful faith. We invite you to that joyous discovery at First Church!


First time churchgoers, lifelong United Methodists, people who come from another denomination, all tell us that they found a warm welcome at First United Methodist Church!


We also intentionally welcome those who are still seeking answers about what they believe! Many of us searched for God a long time before we found the joy of faith.


When people are ready, joining our Church and making it your Church family is a simple matter.



Dodge City First United Methodist church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe, are made new, 

and go out in service to Christ and neighbor.  



     Methodism in Dodge City dates from June 14, 1874 when a Methodist lay preacher named S.A. Newell organized a class of 13 people. Later, a Union Church building was built at First and Spruce streets in Dodge City, where several denominations held services.Gathered around town until 2006 when we purchased our first building

     In November of 1883, work began on the first Methodist Church building at 707 First Street. This building was outgrown shortly after the turn of the century, and additions were built to accommodate up to 200 persons in worship.

     In 1913, a brick building was constructed with space for up to 400 to worship. Attendance continued to grow, and by 1928 over five hundred persons were attending Sunday School each week. An educational building with an attached parsonage was built in 1929.

     In 1954, a new parsonage was constructed, allowing for more of the educational building to be used. But by 1962, it was apparent a new church would be necessary.

     Built in 1964, and used for worship beginning with the first Sunday of 1965, our present building has served the congregation for 50 years. It includes over 65,000 square feet of space, and can seat more than 700 persons when filled to capacity.

     In 2003 and 2004, the entire facility was renovated, including a makeover of the worship space in the Sanctuary and a new elevator.

     In 2007, a service was added in Spanish to accommodate Dodge City’s growing Hispanic community, and in 2010, a full-time associate pastor was brought onto staff to shepherd the growing Spanish-speaking portion of our congregation.